We’ve a genuine wealth of experience in helping businesses of all sizes, shapes and sectors with resolving disputes. Whether you’re a sole trader, large PLC or public body based in Scotland, elsewhere in the UK or internationally, we have the expertise and knowledge to help with your commercial litigation needs.
Our expertise
Family businesses
We’ve worked with many businesses across several generations of one family and have specialists across the firm here to help you.
Our experienced licensing team act on behalf of private individuals as well as some of Scotland’s largest public and commercial bodies. We provide high quality legal advice to local authorities, universities and colleges, major retailers, hotels, clubs, public houses, charities and restaurants.
We’ve particular expertise in:
- Preparing and submitting civic licensing applications.
- Preparing and submitting liquor and personal license applications.
- Representing clients at licensing hearings.
- Representing clients at appeal hearings in the Sheriff Court.
- Providing training to clients and their employees.
Our Solicitor Advocacy and Opinions Unit includes eight Solicitor Advocates, among the highest number in any one Scottish firm. We also have an excellent relationship with the Faculty of Advocates and its members. Our specialist team can provide a range of services to help you including:
- The provision of expert opinions
- Drafting Court of Session summonses and other pleadings
- Conducting court appearances and proofs in the highest courts in Scotland and tribunal hearings
Property and construction disputes
Should you require legal advice on a property or construction dispute, we can help. We have experience advising on a range of commercial leasing and title issues alongside rural and land disputes. Our property dispute and commercial property colleagues work closely to ensure we have a solid understanding of your business to provide you with tailored advice.
Speak to our commercial litigation solicitors today
If you’re looking for commercial litigation advice, get in touch with our expert lawyers today.
Contact us on 0131 270 7700, visit our offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, East Lothian, Shetland or Orkney, or fill in our enquiry form to request a call back.