Our clients include property investors, commercial and residential development companies and retail owner/occupiers as well as landed estates, family businesses, charities and commercial lenders. We provide advice on commercial leasing, landownership disputes (including title and registration issues), planning appeals and agricultural disputes.
We can help you with:
- Recovery of rent and service charge
- Irritancy of leases
- Dilapidations claims
- Interpretation of leases
- Removal of unauthorised occupiers
- Title rectification
- Applications to the Land Court
- Boundary disputes
- Missive and title problems
- Private and social housing
- Planning appeals
- Professional negligence claims
- Applications to the Lands Tribunal
Our property dispute team collaborate closely with our colleagues in the commercial property team. This means that if property disputes do arise we are often already familiar with the background and are able to give commercial advice on the options available. We will consider with you whether alternative dispute resolution, through mediation or arbitration, may be appropriate. Where court action is necessary we understand the importance of guiding clients through the process step by step and ensuring that everything is thoroughly prepared. Our primary goal is to help our clients to resolve the dispute, using the negotiation and litigation skills in which we have extensive experience.
Speak to our commercial property solicitors today
If you’re looking for property disputes advice, get in touch with our expert lawyers today.
Contact us on 0131 270 7700, visit our offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, East Lothian, Shetland or Orkney, or fill in our enquiry form to request a call back.