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- Date: 20 September 2023
Scottish Referrals Network: Cohabitation issues and proposed changes to legislation
This webinar took place on Tuesday 3 October for our Scottish Referrals Network. Family law experts Danielle Edgar and Gemma Nimmo reviewed S28 and S29 claims under the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006.
Learn more- 16 August 2023
Option for Lease Agreements – our top tips for landowners
An Option for Lease is a binding legal contract between two parties, the developer and the landowner.
Learn more- Date: 20 September 2023
Next Gen HR: Pizza, prosecco and parental rights
This event took place on Wednesday 20 September as part of our Next Gen HR series, which is suitable for those working in people management and in the first few years of their career. Guests enjoyed pizza and prosecco while Sarah Monan and Emily Campbell discussed the significant legal developments surrounding parental rights.
Learn more- 9 August 2023
What should I do if a telecoms operator knocks on my door?
Many rural farms and estates will have over the years let land to telecoms providers for a radio or broadcast mast. With ever increasing digital communication it is unsurprising that telecoms operators have sought to expand their network and increase the number of sites to place their equipment.
Learn more- 31 July 2023
Impacts of climate litigation on firm value
As the prevalence of climate change events have increased, so too has the number of climate related legal cases across the world. Such cases are being brought against both governments and high-emitter corporations, as individuals and action groups seek to hold them accountable for the consequences of their contributions to climate change...
Learn more- 27 July 2023
Our top five wild camping tips for landowners – know your rights!
It is well known that in Scotland the public have a right to roam most of the land for recreational or educational purposes. This historic right was brought on to statutory footing by the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 (the “2003 Act”). Provided there are no local by-laws to the contrary, the right to roam (or access rights as they are referred to within the 2003 Act) may permit leisure activities such as wild camping on private property.
Learn more- 18 July 2023
Agriculture’s Transition to Net Zero
The Scottish Government has set an ambition to be net zero by 2045. Net zero means achieving a balance between the emissions produced and the emissions taken out of the atmosphere.
Learn more- 18 July 2023
Why wait until it’s law to introduce a neonatal leave policy?
If your baby is born unwell or prematurely, and has to spend the first few weeks or months of life in neonatal care, a recent poll has revealed there’s a 50/50 chance that your employer won’t have a policy in place to support you at what can be a very traumatic time.
Learn more- 13 July 2023
R.E.S.P.E.C.T… my testamentary wishes
News recently broke that a handwritten note, found stuffed under Aretha Franklin’s couch cushion, was deemed to be her last Will and Testament by a US Court. This begs the question - could the same piece of paper constitute a valid Will in Scotland?
Learn more- 4 July 2023
The Changing Face of Scotland’s Retailers: Some Local Economies are Reaping the Rewards!
More people in Scotland moved from cities to rural areas during the pandemic. While populations fell in Scotland's largest cities, some rural areas saw an increase for the first time in years. New figures from National Records of Scotland (NRS) found the health crisis may have reversed long-term trends.
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