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Insights | Rural

A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Forestry

Scotland’s forests and woodlands protect, enhance, and allow communities to benefit from the goods and services that flow from natural capital. In the past year, commercial forestry values increased by at least 15% with the average price paid for a commercial forest rising by 10% from £3 million to £3.4 million, according to several industry reports.

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Insights | Employment

How the flexible working movement could shape future employment standards

It has been accepted to be within industrial knowledge that women tend to bear a greater proportion of caring responsibilities for dependants. Prior to the pandemic, there was a presumption towards office-based working in many sectors and requests for flexible working arrangements might typically have been used by women to facilitate them meeting these additional care needs.

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Anderson Strathern secures senior talent amid further growth

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Insights | Corporate Law

Dealing with Data Subject Access Requests (SARs) and UK GDPR Compliance

The UK GDPR provides individuals with several rights that they can exercise in respect of personal data held by organisations. This article will focus on the ‘right of access’, more commonly referred to as a data subject access request or ‘SAR’. Dealing with SARS effectively remains a challenge for many organisations.

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Insights | Employment

Unpaid trial shifts – the employment law implications

Unpaid trial shifts have become a typical part of the recruitment process for many businesses across the UK, particularly in the hospitality and retail sector where job candidates are regularly required to complete unpaid trial shifts. Unpaid trial shifts can be a useful tool for employers to assess a job candidate’s ability, particularly where employees are inexperienced.

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Insights | Rural

Route Map for Agricultural Reform

Cabinet Secretary, Mairi Gougeon announced a route map for agricultural reform at the NFU Scotland AGM on 10 February 2023. Last year the Scottish Government announced its “Vision for Agriculture”. It is a support framework to enable high quality food production, climate mitigation and adaption and nature restoration.

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Insights | Rural

Making natural capital work for your community

Natural Capital has been an agenda dominating topic in the Scottish rural land market for a number of years and it is widely accepted that much of the investment required to deliver on the natural capital schemes will need to come from private investment.

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Insights | Rural

Do you need a short-term let licence?

In January 2022, the Scottish Parliament passed new legislation as a response to the growing number of Airbnbs and others providing an accessible platform for residential accommodation to be let on a short-term basis. The Civic Government Scotland Act 1982 (Licensing of Short Term Lets) Order 2022 came into force on 1 March 2022 and requires local authorities in Scotland to introduce a licensing scheme for properties operating as short-term lets.

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Insights | Employment, Rural

Rural employers – what you need to know

If you are an employer, you’ll know that getting everything right for your employees can be tricky – what rights an employee has constantly changes and largely depends on the facts. If you employ agricultural workers, it can be even more complex because of the extra rights they have and the nature of their duties.

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Insights | Rural

What to do when a developer comes knocking!

While renewable energy developments can create financial opportunities for landowners, the issues involved are complex and far-reaching and related not only to land but also taxation and succession.

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Insights | Charities & Third Sector

Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land: third sector bodies take note!

Although the trend has been, in recent years, for third sector bodies to be structured as companies limited by guarantee or as Scottish charitable incorporated organisations (SCIOs), there are still a considerable number of third sector bodies (including charities) which are structured as unincorporated associations or trusts.

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Insights | Corporate Law

The National Security and Investment Act: One year on

A year on from the enactment of the National Security and Investment Act 2021 (“Act” / “NSIA”), we revisit the implications of the Act for both investors and those seeking investment, and reflect on how it has played out in practice across the corporate investment sphere.

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