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Events | Employment
  • Date: 7 February 2023

Club HR: Employment Law Update – What is on the horizon for 2023?

Our experts, Jemma Forrest and Mandy Armstrong, will discuss the prospective changes to employment law in 2023. 

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Best year ever for Anderson Strathern’s corporate investment team

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Insights | Residential Property

What happens when the title conditions affecting a property no longer reflect the current layout of the property?

For those not familiar with Scottish property title conditions, it seems to me that the easiest way to understand title deeds are that the quality of the terms generally reflect the age of the property, i.e. the older a property is the more likely the titles conditions will need to be deciphered. This often results in more time being spent considering and interpreting the implications.

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Insights | Education, Energy

Our education system deals in big ideas

The future of big ideas matters. As COP27 passes without significant progress, we need major new forms of collective invention to meet the challenge of climate change.

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Insights | Corporate Law

Intellectual Property – who owns your institution’s intellectual assets?

Creating and sharing knowledge is central to the mission of every education institution. It follows that, by protecting the expression of ideas, creativity and invention, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) have become some of the most important assets held by all education providers, not just those engaged in high levels of research and development.

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Insights | Rural

How do we put renewable energy to work in rural areas?

Our peaceful rural landscapes have once again become a battleground in the energy transition. The short-lived Liz Truss government proposed a ban on solar farms being located on large parts of England’s farmland.

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Insights | Education

Immigration planning for overseas students at Scotland’s independent schools

Overseas students may not wish to hear about retirement planning (just yet!), but immigration planning is an essential consideration for their future education and career plans in the UK. There are multiple immigration routes available to students on a child student visa to continue to study and work in the UK after they have completed their education at an independent school.

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Insights | Rural
Rural development plot

Modernising your title deeds – planning for voluntary registration

As we move into autumn, and all too quickly into winter, the end of 2022 is nearly upon us. These long dark nights may give you time to consider your plans for next year and one of those may be to become more organised. You may already do your banking, shopping, and manage your pension online but now you can also buy, own, and manage your property digitally too.

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Insights | Rural

Title Indemnity Insurance

Whether you’re buying or selling a property in Scotland, you might be faced with a problem in the property’s title and wonder how this can be addressed with minimum hassle and cost. A title indemnity insurance policy may be the answer.

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Insights | Rural

Salmon Fishing – one of Scotland’s delights but not without issues!

There are all sorts of salmon fishing opportunities in Scotland, from fishing the large Scottish rivers like the Tweed and Tay, to the intimate and less well-known beats - many on the Scottish Islands. It’s an interesting topic that needs careful consideration from several perspectives.

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